Stated simply, most people do not understand technology. That gap in understanding can often be exploited through uniquely tailored social engineering attacks. Sociosploit is a research blog which examines exploitation opportunities on the social web, with a focus on the unique social dynamics at the intersection of technology and social psychology. Sociosploit is an academic research initiative focused specifically on understanding security risks and exploitation potential of the social web.
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Justin "Hutch" Hutchens is an industry leader in the fields of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. He is the creator of Sociosploit, a research blog which examines exploitation opportunities on the social web – a confluence of his interests in both technical hacking and social psychology. He is the host of Cyber Cognition, a podcast focused on trends and risks related to emerging artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. And he is the author of "The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI." Hutch has also spoken at multiple conferences to include HouSecCon, Texas Cyber Summit, ISSA, ToorCon, DEFCON, and RSA Conference.
Other Content
Check out other content from the creator, to include the Cyber Cognition podcast and the Language of Deception book.As Artificial Intelligence ("AI") continues to accelerate, it is radically transforming how we live our lives and the ways that we experience the world around us.
On each episode of the Cyber Cognition Podcast, we will dive deep into different facets within the fascinating world of AI. We will examine the latest advancements in AI technology, engage in deep conversations about the social, cultural, political, and philosophical implications of this technology, and use this understanding to make informed predictions of what the future may hold (utopian, dystopian, or otherwise).
So whether you're a seasoned tech enthusiast or just curious about the future, the Cyber Cognition Podcast promises a thrilling ride through the incredible and ever-changing world of AI technology.
In The Language of Deception: Weaponizing Next Generation AI, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity veteran Justin Hutchens delivers an incisive and penetrating look at how contemporary and future AI can and will be weaponized for malicious and adversarial purposes. In the book, you will explore multiple foundational concepts to include the history of social engineering and social robotics, the psychology of deception, considerations of machine sentience and consciousness, and the history of how technology has been weaponized in the past. From these foundations, the author examines topics related to the emerging risks of advanced AI technologies, to include:
- The use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for social manipulation, disinformation, psychological operations, deception and fraud
- The implementation of LLMs to construct fully autonomous social engineering systems for targeted attacks or for mass manipulation at scale
- The technical use of LLMs and the underlying transformer architecture for use in technical weapons systems to include advanced next-generation malware, physical robotics, and even autonomous munition systems
Speculative future risks such as the alignment problem, disembodiment attacks, and flash wars.
Perfect for tech enthusiasts, cybersecurity specialists, and AI and machine learning professionals, The Language of Deception is an insightful and timely take on an increasingly essential subject.
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